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废铁熬过了锤打,才能百炼成钢;梅花熬过了寒冬,才能绽放幽香。“熬”虽然很苦,却是种沉淀。Scrap iron can only be refined into steel after enduring hammering; Plum blossoms can only bloom with a fragrant fragrance after enduring the cold winter. Although "endure" is very bitter, it is a kind of precipitation.即使是最不起眼的人,也能够改变未来的进程。Even the most inconspicuous person can change the course of the future.也许世界上也有五千朵和你一模一样的花,但只有你是我独一无二的玫瑰。Maybe there are five thousand flowers just like you in the world, but only you are my unique rose.所谓自律,是以积极而主动的态度,去解决人生痛苦的重要原则,主要包括四个方面:推迟满足感、承担责任、尊重事实、保持平衡。The so-called self-discipline is an important principle of solving life's pain with a positive and proactive attitude, which mainly includes four aspects: delaying satisfaction, taking responsibility, respecting facts, and maintaining balance.在自己喜欢的时间里,按照自己喜欢的方式,去做自己喜欢做的事,对我而言这便是自由人的定义。To me, this is the definition of a free person, which is to do what I enjoy doing in the way I enjoy during my own free time.你可以坚持、坚持、再坚持,使你自己变得卓越、卓越、更卓越。你的进步有多大,取决于你自己。You can persist, persist, and persist again, making yourself outstanding, outstanding, and even more outstanding. How much progress you make depends on yourself.人生中多数的不幸并非由厄运造成,而是笨拙、倦怠和粗俗导致的。Most misfortunes in life are not caused by misfortune, but by clumsiness, fatigue, and vulgarity.愿你不拧巴不纠结,温柔舒展地的度过每一天。May you spend each day gently and comfortably without any hesitation.倏忽小暑至,美好正清欢。Suddenly Minor Heat arrives, beautiful and pure.
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